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Making an Impact

Holding the funds and having a vision in mind and prior experiences, I focused on organizing joint-school community services. Throughout the year, my club teamed up with other high-schools across Hong Kong, playing roles in helping childcare centers, accompanying the visually impaired, and giving out Lucky Bags in Lunar New Year. We inspired, helped, and had fun.

Community services: Project

When I was still a freshman, I participated in community work without a clear goal in mind. However, spending time with my seniors and seeing them building a better community for the disadvantaged with passion inspired me. I then decided to follow their path, bringing impacts to the world while inspiring the youth.
Now, as the school president of Interact Club, my goal has always been the same: to provide young people with opportunities to forge greater understanding and goodwill with youth throughout the world. Through various training programs and projects to build international experience, Interactors learn the importance of serving and helping the needy and developing their leadership skills. 
Holding the fund we got from the Christmas Ball, we teamed up with Good Hope School to distribute daily necessities such as shampoo, blankets, and toothbrushes to the less fortunate and help a childcare center during the Lunar New Year. And in August, we served the blind in collaboration Hong Kong Blind Union together with Sacred Heart Cannosian College. While the pandemic's outbreak had prevented us from organizing more services, I was able to lend a helping hand in distributing more than ten thousand face masks to those who could not afford or find them at the start of the pandemic.

Community services: Text
Community services: Pro Gallery
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